Happiness Alert

Afraid, sad, mad, frustrated and just plain overwhelmed.

Image result for free picture of cell phone

These are the key words I hear from my friends, family, and clients when that familiar buzz or ping comes from the rectangle box in our pocket or purse.

What was a modern marvel of connection and tools to simplify life, has somehow become a 24 hour emergency pager for alerts, complaints, and work to do.

Even when it doesn’t go off we are now cued to act as if something is wrong, and check, check, and check again if someone has sent us more information.

The goal of this blog for the next year be to try to turn the tide of negativity. We will post a saying, article, study, or news event that can motivate, educate, inspire, or amuse you. Think of it as an electronic version of our motivational billboard at the office!  Feel free to suggest ideas to us to post: my email is Ltammpsych@aol.com.

Let’s start by forgiving ourselves, not only for being tricked by our phones, but for being simply a human who is still growing.

Here’s a little something on self-compassion….
